Part 5: Inventory-It’s Just Not Stuff on Your Shelves

Take inventory to make sure you maintain the proper pars on key ingredients Run a sales mix each week to see what items are selling and what items are costing you money.
By taking inventory, you’ll know exactly what you need to order each week. No guesstimating, no automating, and no wasted money.
Plus, you can order based on hitting your par. Par-based ordering means you order to have a specific amount of each item on
the shelf. You set your par at the ideal level for what you need. Then, you know exactly when you have a surplus and need to curb ordering, or when you have a shortage and need to boost your numbers. Yes, that means you’ll have to change your order sometimes.                                But, it also means you won’t have an over (or under) stuffed stockroom. And your pockets will be stuffed with cash.
The Takeaway: Ordering efficiency comes with par-based inventory. You’ll always have what you need, and not too much of what you don’t.